The Future Of Health series continues on IMPACT with guest Harry Massey, a forward-thinking bioenergetic researcher who owns several companies that build bioenergetic tools to quantify what’s happening in the energetic field.
Massey talks with Dr. Meghan Walker about some of the ways energy can be leveraged for healing and prevention to create a higher quality of living in the future. His efforts were born out of severe disability in his twenties after climbing accidents, which built up toxins and autoimmune viruses in his body.
After that, he and a colleague mapped out the energy and information of the human body field as an energetic control system, to see how energy works within different tissues and cells. Ideas from physics were also combined with alternative holistic medicine.
The body acts on two systems – the chemical system and the communication system, which is instantaneous. 70 trillion cells in the body are operating in their own function every single second. How can this help your health? Information can be directly inputted into your operating system so get different tissues and cells to respond in certain ways to improve their condition.
Environment also plays a huge role and Massey believes that 90% of your health outcome is your environment, not genetics. Massey’s company, NES Health, has created a Biogen Wellness System where you can basically scan the energy of your organs through your different meridians and mind-body connection and then recommend pharmaceuticals that will trigger a healing response for injuries and pain.
Emotions play a significant role as well – with gratitude, intention, surrender and trust being paramount in your daily practice. The more you’re in those heart-centered states, the more the universe will respond to your intentions.
Harry Massey is such a proponent of the future of health and this fascinating conversation provides valuable information about bioenergetics. It offers lots to consider. Take a listen!
[7:35] Harry Massey’s personal story
[16:23] Two types of control systems in the body
[18:52] Energy of the plant kingdom
[19:30] The five-element theory
[23:57] Covid studies to help healing
[32:59] Biogen Wellness System
[39:37] Energy preservation and emotional triggers
[41:02] The importance of gratitude, intention, surrender, trust and other positive emotions
[44:18] The convergence of pharmaceutical and bioenergy fields in the future
“The cutting edge is really looking at how information that's carried within, what we're calling this energetic control system or field-based control system -- the effects that information can have on the body.”
- Harry Massey
“What you're actually doing in your habits and how you're living is actually more important than your genetics.”
- Harry Massey
“Einstein said the sole governing force of the particle is the field. What he meant by that is this fundamental information actually governs energy, which in turn is actually creating the physical reality.”
- Harry Massey
“I see healthcare and health as being one coin and there's two sides. The chemistry side is totally legitimate, but the bio side should be its equal partner.”
- Harry Massey
“If your use of energy is more efficient, then you end up with a higher level of energy available. You know, what we would call “body battery.” Then you have more energy left over for healing and living longer.”
- Harry Massey
“The universe will bring in your intentions, but it doesn't necessarily do it in a way that you might see as logical. It might come with a little bit of conflict, but that's really where the surrender and trust comes in.”
- Harry Massey
The Future of Health series continues on IMPACT as Meghan is joined by Kristi Holt, the CEO and co-founder of Vibeonix, a company that quantifies voices to give us insight into emotional intelligence, using AI and data points.
Analyzing your voice frequencies helps to make you aware of where you are emotionally so you can change it in the future. Vibeonix has created a unique algorithm to help users not just understand emotional intelligence but actually improve it and apply it to daily life.
It works by measuring resonance, tone and intonation in the voice, as well as the frequency of what is carrying the information. With this knowledge, we can start predicting emotional patterns, therefore predicting different diseases in the body to prevent it from ever happening.
This technology is all about being more aware and smarter about ourselves as human beings to bring us back to ourselves. From that space, we can create anything -- we can heal and empower ourselves to embody who we want to be. We can IMPACT.
Check out this episode to learn more about this groundbreaking technology and business.
[5:28] Who Kristi is and her entrepreneurial history
[11:44] Kristi’s decision to have children
[15:11] How quantifying emotional intelligence through voice works
[20:21] How Vibeonix came up with their patented algorithm
[24:06] How the voice is measured for emotional intelligence
[28:56] How technology and AI can help us with interconnection in health in the coming decades
[34:18] Vibeonix 2.0 as a business-to-business program
“When I heard that your voice is literally carrying the resonance of your energy systems inside of you, it was a mind blow for me, and something so profound told me that this was real.”
- Kristi Holt
“Our goal as a company, and this is what aligns with my values most, is to reflect it back to the users. So users can understand their emotional intelligence, see it, quantify it, and improve it.”
- Kristi Holt
“We can measure emotional intelligence through resonance in the body and then how the body is projecting that resonance.”
- Kristi Holt
“Tone and intonation is part of it, but it's so much more than that. We're measuring the frequency, and frequency is what carries information. We are also able to measure how much control you have and how much you're actually expressing emotion.”
- Kristi Holt
“We can start looking at the body and find correlation to the voice, to the emotion, then we'll be able to start predicting emotional patterns, therefore predicting different diseases in the body.”
- Kristi Holt
“I think technology's going to help us remember the power within.”
- Kristi Holt
“Why I love emotional intelligence is it brings you back to you. And then from that space you can create anything. You can heal, you can empower, you embody.”
- Kristi Holt
“When we ignore, suppress and avoid emotion, we are ignoring, suppressing and avoiding our ability to live. And we're here to live. We're here to experience and all of these emotions are for us to experience. They are not who we are.” - Kristi Holt
“People are challenging the system that we've been told is the truth.”
- Kristi Holt
On this week’s episode of IMPACT, Dr. Meghan Walker is joined by Dr. Sachin Patel, an innovative leader in functional medicine, founder of the Living Proof Institute and author of the best-selling book, Perfect Practice. He believes that every patient can become their own doctor to help heal themselves.
So many of the poor health conditions and diseases that people face today are preventable, but most people just don’t know the basics of preventive care and good health. With the right tools and capacity for empowerment, patients can have a role in reversing the symptoms of disease themselves.
Dr. Patel believes the things that are sabotaging people’s health are not detectable through lab tests. They are things like relationships, the lighting in their home, their lack of connection with nature, not knowing how to breathe intentionally and not getting enough restful sleep. It’s important to recognize the factors that are making you unhealthy so that you can turn them around and find solutions.
It all comes down to wearable technology where patients can see how they’re getting better and increase their own self-awareness and positive reinforcement. And doctors can coach their patients better by looking at the data from the technology. Patients love it because now they’re being held accountable, and doctors love it because they have more data points to work with and show the power of what they do.
Wearable technology can help in reducing weight and pain, hypertension, diabetes and so much more. It’s also important to learn how to breathe intentionally, realign your circadian rhythms and get restful deep sleep. Taking care of the body in these ways leads to transformational change, not just in your physical journey but also in your mental and emotional journey.
Enjoy listening to this episode which leaves you with so much to consider.
[4:20] How HRV works
[4:49] The importance of deep sleep
[8:37] 30 Ways in 30 Days Program
[10:40] 3 key pillars to focus on
[12:40] How we can love more by taking away pain and scarcity
[22:59] How to “do you” and stand in your highest vibration
“The big thing for me is focusing on how to help people become their own practitioner and live a life that unleashes that. And what we realize is that can actually be systemized because as unique and as different as we are, there's some basic foundational things that we all need as human beings.”
- Sachin Patel
“We don't need more doctors, practitioners, nurses, or even functional medicine practitioners. We need more healthy people. We don't have to wait until they get sick to unlock their potential.”
- Sachin Patel
“A really important thing for people to understand, even as practitioners for us to understand, is that the things that are sabotaging people's health, there are no supplements or lab tests for.”
- Sachin Patel
“Now you can wear an aura ring or other devices and you can get amazing information about yourself with such a short feedback loop so you can make decisions in real time.”
- Sachin Patel
“Many people don't know how to use their breath to override their stress response and get into a parasympathetic state, where we heal, repair, regenerate every cell tissue organ in our body.”
- Sachin Patel
“You become the purveyor of intergenerational health when you can teach just one person how to make that transition.”
- Dr. Meghan Walker
“I'm not doctoring you back to health, I'm just teaching you the basics of how your body works, and then you can make informed and educated decisions about if you want to do that or not. You can become a healing machine.”
- Sachin Patel
“There's no system of healthcare that can save you from yourself.”
- Sachin Patel
“My job is not trying to save you money. I'm trying to help you live an amazing life so that you can spend your money on the things you want to spend it on.”
- Sachin Patel
“As practitioners, we need to first and foremost discover who we are so that we can show up in our most powerful way and that's gonna attract the right people and it's gonna repel the wrong people.”
- Sachin Patel
Welcome to another episode from “The Future of Health” series. This series will explore and discuss new ideas on the horizon in the healthcare industry. Energetic medicine is the focus of this week’s episode as Meghan is joined by Dr. Jesse Pierce, a licensed naturopathic doctor who uses frequencies to treat complex chronic illness. Meghan and Jessie discuss how we are bombarded by frequencies daily and how this influences the electromagnetics of our cells in negative and positive ways.
A frequency is something you can’t see; it’s basically the rate at which sound or current is produced and registered in the body. We have frequencies running through our bodies constantly. By improving the body’s energetic frequency, we can help our bodies heal from a multitude of problems and calm inflammation.
Frequencies are delivered by sound, in water or through current that runs through the body to help it heal. Acupressure is one way to tap into those frequencies. By inserting small needles, the energy in certain meridians can be moved and blockages cleared.
Dr. Pierce also uses a tiny box with wires attached that sends out specific microcurrents. This can help shift the brain from trauma or shift the body from inflammation stemming from mold, Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions and more. Such microcurrents can also reset our genetics to improve how well our body can function over time.
Frequency medicine is additionally used to treat acute injuries and physical pain. It can aid in anxiety and depression, fatigue, fibromyalgia and even weight loss. The more we feel healthy, aligned and balanced on an energetic level, the better off we all are.
Energetic medicine is the new frontier in healing. Listen to this week’s episode to learn why!
[3:29] Why quantum energy is difficult to accept for some people
[9:21] Different ways to deliver frequencies
[14:01] Different conditions that can be treated through frequencies
[15:50] An example of using frequency to help someone with psychological trauma
[23:19] Things that can lower your frequency or vibration
[24:22] Why blue light is hard on our bodies
[32:00] Example of a woman who lost weight by listening to a song
The Super Happy song -
“We can only see 3 - 5% with our vision of everything that exists. So accepting quantum energy and quantum physics as a way to help us heal is really hard to understand for some.”
- Dr. Jesse Pierce
“You may not be aware of it, but we're actually picking up on frequency at all times, 24/7.”
- Dr. Jesse Pierce
“You can't just use frequency and expect to get a hundred percent better. You always have to look at the underlying cause of why things got dysregulated in the first place.”
- Dr. Jesse Pierce
“The vagus nerve really does help play a role in controlling the terrain of the gut.”
- Dr. Jesse Pierce
“Anxiety, depression, when people are struggling with moods, especially teenagers, I can shift them really quickly using this form of energetic medicine.”
- Dr. Jessie Pierce
“Einstein himself said, ‘the future of medicine will focus on frequencies’ and we are just starting to tackle that.”
- Meghan Walker
Food really is medicine, but sometimes staying away from food is even more healing. That’s the idea behind intermittent fasting. In this episode of Impact, Meghan talks with Cynthia Thurlow, a nurse practitioner and internationally known women’s health expert whose TEDx Talk has received more than 10 million views.
Intermittent fasting is eating within a prescribed time period, and not eating within another prescribed time period. Why does it matter? It has to do with our metabolism. Metabolic flexibility is critically important to our health, and intermittent fasting promotes such flexibility by allowing your body to be more effective at using different types of fuel. Chronically overfeeding the body is what contributes to metabolic disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, infertility issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and so much more.
Fasting improves our insulin sensitivity so our bodies can access stored fat as a fuel source instead of stored sugar. And when we're using fat as a fuel source, we don't get hungry in between meals and we’re able to lose weight much more easily. It also allows our body to get rid of diseased and disordered cells, like taking out the garbage.
Many women who do intermittent fasting also are able to come off blood pressure and diabetes medications. They have fewer digestive issues, less bloating and more regular bowel movements. It can also help to lower the risk for certain types of cancers, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Our bodies are designed to be challenged, so it’s important to make changes as you get older. Intermittent fasting can be one of those changes to keep your body healthy and optimal.
Cynthia Thurlow is so conversant with the topic of intermittent fasting and there is much to take in from this episode. So have a listen and learn more!
[2:42] How she came to intermittent fasting
[10:58] Different types of fasting
[13:03] Insulin sensitivity and how fasting can help
[16:07] Myriad benefits from intermittent fasting
[20:50] The effects of perimenopause and how fasting can help
[32:14] Getting good sleep and the factors that detract from it
[32:21] The effects of alcohol on the body and brain
Cynthia’s Book: The Intermittent Fasting Transformation
IF Guide opt-in page:
“Intermittent fasting is based on an ancestral health perspective. It's not new or novel. I took the idea, the concept of being able to integrate this work into what I was doing with my patients.”
- Cynthia Thurlow
“Metabolic flexibility is critically important to our health. I would say without a doubt, it is the most important thing to our health.”
- Cynthia Thurlow
“When we're talking about the key proponents, the key benefits of intermittent fasting were really speaking to improving insulin sensitivity so our body can access stored fat as a fuel source and not just stored sugar.”
- Cynthia Thurlow
“If you're struggling with weight loss resistance, it's more often a byproduct of being insulin resistant. We start thinking about the fact that you have energy slumps. It is not normal to eat a meal and feel like you need to go take a nap.”
- Cynthia Thurlow
“Perimenopause and menopause is where fasting can be a really good way to help fine tune not just the exterior of our bodies, but more significantly improve things that can help potentiate longevity.”
- Cynthia Thurlow
“Lifestyle changes are not meant to be easy. They are designed to be challenging because we are going to make a change that's not just today and tomorrow and next week, but long term.”
- Cynthia Thurlow
“Our bodies are designed to be challenged, and I'm not saying you have to go run an Iron Man. I'm just saying you need to get off the couch.”
- Cynthia Thurlow