On this week’s episode of IMPACT, Meghan Walker talks about how we all sabotage our own mindset at times and go to a place of scarcity rather than a place of abundance. The mindset of waiting for people to come into our world and recognize and value who we are before we can feel good about ourselves is misguided. We can’t move into a state of abundance when we’re trapped in a state of scarcity ourselves.
Meghan invites all her viewers to set a new standard for who they surround themselves with and the energies they will tolerate in their lives. Part of that is addressing your state of busyness and taking ownership of your own mindset – to move into a maximized state of impact no matter what your duties and responsibilities are.
Expect miracles and miracles will happen. It’s important to step into a state of self-authorization instead of a state of urgency, and that leads to a state of decisiveness which creates magnetic attraction to abundance.
The topic of mindset work is crucial, especially in the entrepreneurial world, so tune in and learn more!
[3:36] The mindset of scarcity
[5:56] Taking ownership of your mindset
[7:48] How to deal with imposter syndrome
[8:57] How scarcity shows up
[10:42] How abundance manifests
[15:18] Practicing radical responsibility
[18:22] How to reach an abundant mindset
[27:30] Acknowledging the energy of scarcity and moving away from it
[28:23] How to attend Impact Lives
https://www. meghanwalker.com/podcast/
https:// www. impactlivesevent.com/
“We can't move into that state of abundance when we are trapped in the state of scarcity ourselves.”
- Meghan Walker
“Scarcity manifests as urgency rushed.”
- Meghan Walker
“If you are asking someone to teach you what they have learned to experience their vantage point, you can apply it to your work. That is the privilege of radical responsibility.”
- Meghan Walker
“We’re all going to feel like imposters at times. We should on the road to growth. But what that shouldn’t do in any of these cases is hold you back.”
- Meghan Walker
“Scarcity is like gravity. It sinks to the bottom. And if you indulge the symptoms of scarcity and you indulge in the things that trigger scarcity in your life, you’ll sink. It is your responsibility to understand what things pull you down and what things push you up.”
- Meghan Walker
“If you are a miserable person and suddenly are overflowing in money, you will amplify that. If you are heart-centric and want to give back to the world and are having overflow in your life, an abundance of money and wealth coming to you, you have a capacity to maximize.”
- Meghan Walker
“You're going to move toward abundance. You are going to seek counsel and guidance as you need to, and you are going to make the space to self-correct and self-reflect along the way.”
- Meghan Walker
“When you commit to opening that mindset, when you commit to acknowledging the energy of scarcity and your desire to move away from it, you realize you have this creative power you’ve never imagined before.”
- Meghan Walker
Intention Is The New Balance - How To Live On Purpose with Amy Wong
Meghan is joined by the ever-compelling Amy Wong on this week’s episode of Impact. Amy is a leadership and transformational coach and the founder of Always On Purpose®. Amy started out studying and teaching math and then went on to get a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology to feed her hunger for answers to life’s big questions. She’s written a book called “Living on Purpose, Five Deliberate Choices to Realize Fulfillment and Joy.”
Amy says the first step is to ask yourself – What’s more important? Playing it safe or changing the world? From there, you can make choices that get you to your goals. Living with intention means taking full responsibility for your choices. If you can learn to do that, you are never a victim of circumstance.
However, we all know that making big choices can bring about anxiety and nervousness. The key is to realize that you are always standing for something, which is your primary underlying objective. When you stand for growth and not conflict avoidance, your life will change radically.
Eloquence and innovation come from taking a stand for what you believe in and rechanneling all your doubt or anxiety into one focal point. This focusing mechanism is a powerful tool. When you claim what you want, you become empowered and feel unity, love and harmony in your life.
Tune in to hear all the ‘aha’ moments that Amy and Meghan’s discussion brings to light.
[4:22] How studying math can lead to finding meaning and truth
[7:13] Why every moment is a choice point and how to make good choices
[11:42] How to move forward without anxiety
[21:27] Why it’s impossible to please everybody
[28:05] How to safeguard your focus
[34:40] How to rate your emotions to get rid of resistance
[38:28] The importance of being heart-aligned
(visit the Articles and Practices section under Resources for information on the Strengthen Your Self-Awareness Practice)
“Oftentimes we fall into the stance of wanting others to like us more than being bold with what we choose.”
- Amy Wong
“I was teaching math and translating really complex things to different audiences. And I realized, wow, what I’m here to do is be able to listen for the stuff that people don’t know that they don’t know.”
- Amy Wong
“The thing about math is it’s a language to understand the universe. You are sifting and sorting and making sense of large, abstract seemingly disparate sets of data.”
- Amy Wong
“Living on purpose means that you are truly in charge. It’s waking up from autopilot and making choices intentionally.”
- Amy Wong
“Unless we take full responsibility for the quality of our experience, we’re leaving everything up to chance and we’re a victim of circumstance.”
- Amy Wong
“What makes the world so beautiful and amazing is that there are so many different perspectives and points of view. It’s the variety that makes life so magnificent.”
- Amy Wong
On this week’s episode of IMPACT, Meghan discusses the future of our healthcare system and what we can do to improve our present system which is based on a sick care system.
Meghan starts out by talking about getting her first mammogram and how it brought up concerns of depersonalization and lack of dignity for patients and what they’re going through.
Many aspects of our healthcare system have remained antiquated and have become undignified. Even handing a patient a hospital gown can be disenfranchising and disempowering. Meghan envisions a future healthcare system that’s sustainable and can perpetuate and enable humans to become their healthiest selves – to move people toward their health potential rather than just fixing chronic health issues and managing disease.
Our current system is based on maintaining a mediocre level of health rather than educating patients on how to build on their health. This includes teaching people how to eat, how to exercise, and how to remove allergens from their diet. When we look at the future of healthcare, we must look at giving people a strategy on how to move forward toward optimal health and understanding how their bodies work. It also includes changing the traditional sick care system so healthcare providers don’t suffer from burnout.
Meghan is heading up her fifth year of Impact LIVEs from November 17 – 20, 2022, bringing together practitioners from around the world to discuss concepts at the forefront of healthcare. This year’s theme is understanding the future trends of healthcare and IMPACT medicine, including individualized care, the advent of DNA medicine, integration of technology and the intentional delivery of optimal healthcare.
[4:25] The importance of handing dignity back to the patient
[8:53] What’s burdening our healthcare system
[12:26] What IMPACT medicine is and how it can change the system
[14:47] Some of the future trends in healthcare
[23:37] Why innovation is key in future healthcare
[25:36] Impact LIVEs event details and speakers
IMPACT Podcast: https://meghanwalker.com/podcast/
Impact LIVEs: Impactlivesevent.com
IG: @drmeghanwalker
“We know that in the next 10 years, our population is going to explode. Our incidence of chronic disease is going to increase to a staggering amount, to an amount and with a frequency and intensity that our system cannot handle.” - Meghan Walker
“What would it take for us to actually create a healthcare system built in sustainability that facilitated the ultimate perpetuation of health that enabled humans to visit their doctor and not discuss their cholesterol, but to discuss their ultimate potential?” - Meghan Walker
“It's not about the gown or the white coat or the hierarchy or the title. It's about giving patients a strategy for them to move forward with their health and with their care themselves.” - Meghan Walker
“I'm not just looking at how we deliver better patient outcomes when it comes to building health, but I'm simultaneously talking about how we build better outcomes when it comes to those deploying the care to prevent burnout with physicians and nurses and everyone involved in the traditional sick care system.” - Meghan Walker
Rachel Varga is a double-certified nurse and aesthetic specialist who’s done more than 20,000 rejuvenation procedures and has written international papers on optimal skincare. She’s at the top of her field when it comes to evidence-based approaches to skincare.
Let’s face it -- your skin quality is one of the first things people notice about you, and we all want to have radiant skin that glows. But how do you get to that level of radiance? It starts by solving your health issues from the inside out.
Rachel points out that air, water, lighting, and electromagnetic purification in your daily life is really key. Purify the air in your office and your living space. Use reverse osmosis to purify your water. For lighting, get rid of your LED lights and go back to halogen. Keep your phone on airplane mode. Turn Bluetooth off in your home.
She also recommends getting grounded by spending a lot of time outside and “living like a caveman” by eating the right foods, simplifying your routine, and limiting your cell phone use.
Her five quintessential skin care practices include cleansing your face morning and night, moisturizing, using a mineral sunscreen every day, exfoliating twice a week and doing an at-home mask treatment once a week. Follow these skin care practices and you’ll be well on your way to radiance, both inside and out.
Listen and take note as Rachel expands upon the topic of radiance and how if we feel great and look great our interactions with the people, places and things around us will be brighter.
[27:31] Five quintessential skin care practices
[30:17] Why sunscreen is so important
[32:42] Why more people are losing their hair
[35:24] Potentially harmful effects of Botox and other fillers
[43:36] How inner cleanses help the skin
Use promocode MEGHANWALKER15 for 15% off of your One on One Skin and Rejuvenation Session with Rachel Varga at https://rachelvarga.ca/get-started
“If you’re just kicking it at home and not doing your skincare, you’re actually still damaging your skin. Convenience is killing us. Sometimes we just have to have an awareness.”
- Rachel Varga
“More and more clients are wanting to move away from injectables for different reasons. If anything is ever not feeling right for you, you should really listen to that little voice and intuition.”
- Rachel Varga
“There are very important practices like body, mind, spirit, energy optimization, eating the right foods, getting your inflammation down and improving your cellular health that will slow your skin aging.”
- Rachel Varga
“When you’re not well on the inside, the skin takes a couple of weeks to a month to manifest that. If you have more sugar or alcohol or treats, you’ll have more breakouts afterwards, but not immediately.”
- Rachel Varga
“I’m a huge fan of doing monthly cleanses with different herbs and then also quarterly intense cleanses. We deworm our dogs, our animals, but we forget to deworm ourselves.”
- Rachel Varga
“I am interested not just in the gut, but in the largest organ of the body which is the skin, and everything else feeds into that.”
- Rachel Varga