Today we are going solo on The Entrepology Podcast — and I’m going to be really clear about what this episode is about! If you have an abundant, unlimited resource of energy in your life and are completely dialed in on systems that radically restore your body on a daily basis … then this episode may not be for you. If, however, you are in a very busy phase of life; are very passionate about what you’re trying to produce and put out into the world; are juggling more than one ball in the air with respect to kids, work, and family; don’t sleep nearly enough; and wish you had a heck-of-a-lot more energy… you may want to stay tuned in!
For the next thirty minutes or so, I’m going to be talking to you about something that we have developed in our clinic, Entrepology Performance Labs, called the ‘radical restoration system.’ Within this system, there are three key pillars; the three Rs that I use with my patients to help them renew, recover, and restore their body on a daily basis. With just a few tweaks to our lifestyle, our mindset — and to the way that we have always dealt with recovery — we can tap into a whole new world of physiological and energetic abundance.
Key Takeaways:
[:16] About today’s solo episode!
[2:12] Why you might be thinking about rest and recovery all wrong.
[7:13] How to start approaching rest and recovery in a completely new way.
[10:22] The three Rs of radical restoration: renew, recover, and restore.
[11:30] Renew. The three, important Ms (mouth, mindset, and movement) you have control over in the renew process.
[14:53] Recover. The three Ss (sleep, Saturdays, and the sympathetic nervous system) to leverage in your life.
[23:46] Restore. The three key elements that need to exist for us to restore effectively: the three Ds (deep and prolonged, destination, and distraction-less).
[27:16] Summarizing the three pillars of radical restoration: renew, recover, and restore.
[27:40] Why recovery is different for everybody.
[29:45] Thanks for listening to this week’s episode! Let us know how you are implementing these practices in your life for a better you!
[30:13] Share this episode with your friends and give us some feedback wherever you found this episode!
Mentioned in This Episode:
Lief Therapeutics (the heart rate variability monitor)
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As I go out to live the things that I talk about in this podcast, I would also love to hear from you and learn about how you are implementing these practices in your life for a better you! Follow-up on The Entrepology Podcast Facebook page — because when you are accountable, you are helpable!